An article was recently published in a major UK energy publication that states global reliance on fossil fuels as a source of energy could be phased out in a decade. This article was authored by Professor Benjamin Sovacool of the University of Sussex. Fossil fuels outphased in a decade is an ambition that can come true much sooner than many expect but it will need a lot of collaboration and effort from various institutions, governments and organizations. Professor Sovacool presented his findings in a peer-review journal known as Energy Research & Social Science.
Transition to electricity took around 60 years
According to the article’s author, the world can learn and draw lessons from previous transitions such as wood to coal in Europe. This transition took between 100 and 160 years compared to the transition to electricity which happened between 50 and 70 years. This time round, there are mitigating factors that make the transition a lot more urgent. For instance, resources are dwindling and climate change is major threat. Improved technology and innovations are capable of accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to cleaner forms of energy.
The article by the English professor highlights plenty of practical examples that demonstrate a faster transition but are largely ignored by analysts. In Canada for instance, there was a very speedy shift from coal lasting only 11 years. Indonesia moved its population from kerosene to LPG gas within 3 years while France transited to nuclear power generation in just 12 years. Fossil fuels out-phased in a decade and transition to cleaner energy systems is a very possible objective. However, it will require significant shifts in political regulations, energy pricing methods and technology. There is a lot that has been learnt from previous transitions that make it very possible for a faster and easier shift to cleaner energy sources in the very near future. A lot still needs to be done to address the issues in this field.